19 EA2 Torso


An ECG is made by measuring the electrical activity that goes through the heart. This activity measured using external electrodes: six chest electrodes: V1 – V6 four extremity electrodes: left arm, right arm, left foot, and a neutral electrode With these electrodes it is possible...

18 EA2 Overlappen

Cardiac Axis

The cardiac axis is the general direction followed by all depolarization vectors of the heart. To determine the heart axis, you look at the extremity leads I, II, and aVF. Electricity going towards one of these leads will create a positive deflection of the QRS-complex...

17 EA2 Diffusion


Deoxygenated blood gets oxygenated in the lungs to become oxygenated again. This process is called gas exchange, and it takes place in the alveoli and the capillaries that surround them. Deoxygenated blood arrives at the alveoli via the pulmonary artery. The alveoli receive the carbon...

16 EA2 Torso met hart

ECG Leads

An ECG is made by measuring the electrical activity that goes through the heart. This activity measured using external electrodes: six chest electrodes: V1 – V6 four extremity electrodes: left arm, right arm, left foot, and a neutral electrode With these electrodes it is possible...

15 EA2 Mainstream_Capnografie

Mainstream Capnography

CO2 is known to absorb infrared radiation, and that is the principle on which capnographs usually work. The exhaled air passes a beam of infrared light. If CO2 is present, it will absorb the infrared radiation which will lead to a reduction in the amount...

14 EA2 Hart met longen 2

Heart and lungs 2

The lungs are the primary organs of the human respiratory system. From the lungs, oxygenated blood is transported by the pulmonary veins towards the left side of the heart. The heart then pumps the oxygenated blood through the aorta, which transports it to the blood...