Gustatory Pathway

Gustatory Pathway

Humans are able to perceive taste thanks to the gustatory system which controls the sense of taste. When a substance is put in the mouth, it reacts with the taste receptor cells located in the taste buds. These taste buds are located in the oral...

External Features and Accessory Structures of the Eye

External features and accessory structures of the eye

The eyes are organs that belong to the visual system. They detect light and images and  convert these stimuli to impulses in neurons. The eyes enable humans to receive and process visual details. Surrounding the eyes are the extraocular muscles, which are the muscles that...

Common Sites of Referred Pain

Common sites of referred pain

Referred pain is what happens when a painful stimulus is perceived at a location different from the site of the stimulus. A common example of this is the pain that is felt in the left shoulder and arm during a heart attack. Some examples of...



Hemostasis is a process that becomes activated when a blood vessel is damaged. The aim of hemostasis is to prevent blood from leaving the damaged vessel. This forms the first stage of wound healing. Normally, endothelial cells of the vessels prevent clotting of the blood...


Heart Updated2

The heart is an organ located between the lungs and inside of the thoracic cavity. The left side of the heart is connected to the aorta, which is the main artery that connects the heart with the rest of the body. From the left side,...

Fetal Circulation

Fetal circulation

The fetal circulation is the in-utero circulatory system of a fetus before birth. This circulation differs from a newborn, because the lungs are not used to oxygenate blood while the fetus remains inside the uterus. Instead, oxygenated blood and nutrients constantly pass  from the mother...