
Neurons are the fundamental cells of the brain and nervous system. They are responsible for receiving the input from the senses and relaying this information to the brain where it is interpreted so a response is formed. This response is then sent back through different neurons to their target organ.

Neurons can be classified into three types based on their function:

  • Sensory neurons: these cells create electrical signals after receiving stimuli, such as touch or light, and send these signals to the brain.
  • Motor neurons: these neurons receive signals from the brain to control muscle movement.
  • Interneurons: connect neurons to other neurons that lay in the same region in the brain or spinal cord.

A neuron receives the information via the axon. This structure brings the signal to the cell body where it is sent to the dendrites of the neuron. The dendrites are all connected to the axons of other neurons. This way, one neuron can stimulate multiple other neurons with the signal it received.