Spinal Column

The spinal column is a structure that consists of thirty-three vertebrae. These can be divided into several regions namely the:

  • Cervical spine: 7 vertebrae C1-C7;
  • Thoracic spine: 12 vertebrae T1-12;
  • Lumbar spine: 5 vertebrae L1-L5;
  • Sacrum: 5 fused vertebrae S1-S5;
  • Coccyx: 4 fused vertebrae that form the tailbone.

There are intervertebral discs located between C1 to S1. These discs each have a gel-like center which enables the spinal column to move slightly and absorb shock. The most important function of the spinal column is providing protection for the spinal cord. Each vertebra has a central hole that, when put together, forms the spinal canal.